Sexuality and domesticity have been thoroughly intertwined in western culture, with sex intentionally being confined and castigated to the home by Evangelicals and powerful social reformers. In many ways, the home was meant to confine, segregate and privatize the sphere of sex, and channel its vitality into the family and reproduction. Today, if one were to reimagine sex and sexuality, they might also elect to reimagine home as well. At this event, “polyamorous nomad" Leela Universe presents their take on domesticity and sex, ruminating on the nature of intimacy and connection, as learned from a lifestyle of perpetually delving into a myriad of private lives, while resisting the trappings of privacy and domesticity.
Critical Hedonism(s) is a social-intellectual project dedicated to redefining the ways that care and pleasure circulate and get expressed, integrating critical, analytical thought with experimentation and exploration. More here: