Many of the things we like are either inherently scarce, or have been made artificially scarce, as a means of canalizing behavior and rendering subjects more docile. Perhaps alongside a project of eliminating what Herbert Marcuse calls “surplus repression,” we might also seek alternative pleasures. From heat, to play, to adventure, to food, self-expression and even altruism, there are a great many pleasures that are un-celebrated, partially because they are unprofitable, and partially because they are not consistent with society’s interests.This talk will explore the idea of ‘everyday pleasures,’ focusing on the kinds of pleasures that are not often emphasized, encouraged or celebrated.
Critical Hedonism(s) is a social-intellectual project dedicated to redefining the ways that care and pleasure circulate and get expressed, integrating critical, analytical thought with experimentation and exploration. More here:
**cover photo from Leonard Koren's "Undesigning the Bath"